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Uttering forth certain sounds causes the related sound of the initial bridge to link up the body s mind to
vibrations like manifestations and matter formations the soul s mind. This is done with the last part of the
according to the previously laid down patterns. Science mantra, i.e. Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat. Then, there is
of sound is the highest of all with which magic is further link-up between the individual soul and the
carried out in ancient times. This potential of sound is solar centre Savitru which is stated as Tat Sa
introduced in Yoga by Master C.V.V. to stimulate the Vitur Varenyam. It is linking up to the solar centre, so
powerful activity of Varuna in the muladhara of the that the energy from the solar centre embraces us. This
Yoga student. The sound key stimulates the Kundalini is another bridge built. And then, Bhargo Devasya
energy and the Kundalini energy is called forth to the Dhimahi meaning, we contemplate upon the cosmic
buddhic plane. Master C.V.V. specialized this key in centre so that the energies flow down from cosmic
cooperation with the incoming energies of Varuna. centre to solar and from solar centre to planetary
The calling forth of Kundalini is through sound in centre and from planetary centre to the individual. The
the New Age. For that reason, there is immense need scheme of Gayatri is to linkup all the spheres through
for us to work with the science of Sound. The mantra sound and the link-up is through the linking up of the
of Gayatri also relates to it. That is why it is now Kundalini energy.
spread effortlessly all over the planet for appropriate The same impact is brought about by the
application. In the mantra of Gayatri there is the link- invocation of the three sounds C V V . That is why
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the Master stated that, If you do the invocation of book titled Saraswathi The Word). Due to the
the sound C V V , it is not so very necessary to do impulse of Varuna the cosmic sounds are brought
Gayatri. The scheme of Yoga is to link up to the sun down once again into the lower planes. Through the
centre initially. Thereafter, there are further links to right utterance of sounds one can rise oneself into
the solar and cosmic centres. Linking up to the sun Akasha and even beyond. It is for this reason the sacred
centre, which is the initial step, has its substations as word Om and mantras like Gayatri are once again
linking up to the buddhic centre and then the sun propagated all around the globe. It is said that he who
centre. The sun centre in us is the heart centre. The knows sound, knows all. Such is the importance of
central sun centre which is the centre of the solar sound. Varuna gives once again the scientific import of
system, which is also called Savitru, its replica is the sound afresh. There are certain cosmic sounds which
higher Ajna; and then the cosmic centre which exists constitute the basis of the creation. These sounds were
in the Sahasrara. One should consciously link up all there in the original languages, but as the quality of
the higher centres above the diaphragm and visualize utterance degenerated, the quality of language also
manifestation of light into oneself filling the whole degenerated. Varuna tries to retrieve and restore this
body and the light should full-fill to flow into the situation through introduction of right sounds. Sound
surroundings. As much as one invokes the scientific is seen as a more effective field than colour. Resistance
sounds, so much one will be able to invoke the energy to the sounds which are called mantras is due to lack of
of Uranus. scientific understanding.
As said earlier, Uranus is the superior aspect of There are two approaches to sound. One is to relate
Jupiter. Jupiter rules the sounds at the plane of the to the music of the sound and to get mused. The
five elements. Akasha (the fifth ether) has the basic other is to relate to the science of the sound. When
characteristic of sound. Sound and Akasha go together. you are mused, only Existence is there, individual
Aquarius is a sign relating to Akasha, the highest existence ceases to be. It is a state of Samadhi. There
aspect of air, the spiritual air. Sounds emerge from is a musical hierarchy presided over by cosmic lunar
the Akasha and build the creation of five elements. principle called Soma, whose energy is presented
But the birth of sound in the cosmos is far earlier through Neptune. Neptune enables musing into the
(For more information on Sound refer to the author s Existence. The Grand Master Narada presides over it.
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The second aspect of sound is the science relating to it. Lifting up with the help of exhalation and sound
The science of sound is presided over by Varuna and are the means. All utterances are based on exhalation.
leads to a scientific understanding of the Sound. The One cannot utter forth while he inhales. The air of
science of utterance and the science of Tantra relate to exhalation gives the lift up. The sound does the magic
it. Tantra is a scientific process of applying the sound of cleansing. Cosmic seed sounds are the most potential
upon a symbol in regular periodicity. The utterance of seed sounds. When they are regularly uttered forth, the
sound is by itself a key which forms one of the six keys related chemistry happens. Certain radioactivity takes
of the Veda. place in the body throwing out certain unnecessary
It is the work of Varuna to reintroduce the cosmic matter and gathering certain desirable matter. Fire is
seed sounds once again for quicker transformation. The generated in the cells of the body which gets linked
Aquarian Master emphasized on working with sound to the fire of Prana which is liberated by spleen. The
to lift up the beings. Sound enables lift-up of the beings action of fire thus stimulated gathers into Kundalini
and also to manifest the subtle into the gross. Working fire in the base and rises upwards up to the throat
with sound is working with the throat. Throat relates centre. The Vedic chanting and chanting of mantras is
to humanity. Humanity only has the facility to utter carried out consciously listening to them at the throat
forth up to the vocal, called the physical. The birds centre, enabling the lift-up up to the throat. Throat
and the animals also utter forth but they cannot utter being the centre of Gemini, Master C.V.V. thought fit
forth sounds and speeches. Humanity is planned to be to give the initiation of sound to call forth Kundalini in
lifted up to the throat centre, which is astrologically the month of Gemini which we are celebrating today
called the centre of Gemini. Humanity is presently as the May Call festival on the 29th May every year.
stuck in Libra. Appropriate utterances enable lift-up This is where the sixth key to the Vedas called
from Libra to Gemini as a first step and then from Siksha regains prominence. Siksha is the science of
Gemini to Aquarius as the second and final step. Libra utterance. Utterances are recommended to be done
is the air of passion. Major part of humanity is stuck with responsibility. Speech needs to be seen not as a
with the passion of the objectivity. It needs to be drawn privilege, but as a responsibility. Tongues that are used
into subjectivity and lifted up to the throat which also for utterances of jealousy, hatred, anger, malice, pride,
represents Akasha (fifth ether). prejudice are therefore recommended to be neutralized
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through practice of silence vocal and mental. Vocal Significance & Practice, Sound The Key & Its
silence may be possible, mental silence is not easy. Application and Saraswathi The Word)
The mind needs engagement. Engage the mind with When the clues to sound are known through the key
inhalation and exhalation and rest the tongue. Use the of the science of utterance man becomes a channel for
tongue and the faculty of speech when it is essential. manifestation of magic. The functioning of the sound
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