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creativity. " Session 644, Page 214 "If you desperately try to
remain young, it is usually to hide your beliefs
about age, and to negate all of those emotions
connected with it. Whenever you refuse to accept ground of being from which all consciousness
the reality of your creaturehood, you also reject comes.
aspects of your spirit. "
Session 646, Page 230 "...All That Is seemingly
Session 644, Page 215 "To refute your reality in separates portions of itself from itself, scattering its
time, therefore, results in your being stuck in time omnipotence into new patterns of being that, in your
and obsessed by it. Accepting your integrity in time terms, remember their source and look back to it
allows the body to function until its natural end, in longingly, while still glorifying in the unique
good condition, free from those distorted, invisible individuality that is their own. "
concepts about age. "
Session 647, Page 232 "Philosophies that teach
Session 644, Page 215 "Either write down your denial of the flesh must ultimately end up preaching
beliefs as they come to your, or make lists of your a denial of the self and building a contempt for it,
intellectual and emotional assumptions.. You may because even though the soul is couched in muscle
find that they are quite different. If you have a and bone it is meant to experience that reality, not
physical symptom, do not run away from it. Feel its to refute it. "
reality in your body. Let the emotions follow freely.
These will lead you, if you allow them to flow, to Session 647, Page 235 "Man is so highly verbal that
the beliefs that cause the difficulty. he finds it difficult to understand that other species
work with idea-complexes of a different kind, in
Session 644, Page 216 "As you examine your ideas which of course thought as you consider it is not
you will discover that even some apparently involved. But an equivalent exists; using an analogy,
contradictory ones have similarities, and these it is as if ideas are built up not through sentence
resemblances may be used to bridge the gaps structure reinforced by inner visual images, but by
between beliefs --even those that seem to be the like mental patterns structured through touch and
most diverse. scent --in other words, thinking, but within a
framework entirely different and alien to you.
Session 645, Page 219 "You can suggest to yourself
the emergence of such bridge beliefs. The conscious Session 648, Page 239 "Myths as you know them
idea itself represents a statement of intent. represent bridges of psychological activity, and
point quite clearly to patterns of perception and
Session 645, Page 220 "Usually exaggerated behavior through which, in your terms, the race
opposing emotions will also be apparent. Once you passed as it traveled to its present state. Mythology
understand this it is not difficult to look at your bridges the gap between instinctive knowledge and
beliefs to identify these, and to find a bridge to unite the individualization of ideas.
the seeming contradictions.
Session 648, Page 241 "This is not the place to go
Session 645, Page 220 "Birth and death then have into a long discussion concerning the significance
their function, intensifying and focusing your of races, yet each one is highly meaningful, and
attention. represents a different aspect of humanity as a whole.
Therefore, each race has a symbolic meaning to
Session 646, Page 226 "The concept (original sin) mankind s psyche. The outside experience and
itself existed long before Christianity s initiation, structure of any given race s experience may
and was told in various forms throughout the change, but the inner symbolism will still remain,
centuries and in all civilizations. On the side of and be creatively grappled with.
consciousness, it is a tale symbolically representing
the birth of the conscious mind in the species as a Session 648, Page 246 "As the mind within the
whole, and the emergence of self-responsibility. It body clearly sees its earthly time coming to an end,
also stands for the separation of the self who the mental and psychic accelerations take place.
perceives --and therefore judges and values --from These are in many ways like adolescent experiences
the object from which is perceived and evaluated. It in their great bursts of creative activity, with the
represents the emergence of the conscious mind and resulting formation of questions, and the
of the strongly oriented individual self from that preparation for a completely new kind of
personality growth and fulfillment. This would be
quite apparent were it not for your current belief Session 651, Page 260 "But changed wake-sleep
systems, through which the old are forced to habits can, again, bring about a transformation in
interpret their experience. Many instances of which it is obvious that dreams contain great
expansion of consciousness, and mental and psychic wisdom and creativity, that the unconscious is
growth, are interpreted by you as senility. No indeed quite conscious, and that in fact the
important correlations have been made between the individual sense of identity can be retained in the
subjective experiences of the old, particularly in dream state. The fear of self-annihilation,
senile conditions, with those of other ages involved symbolically thought of as death, can then no longer
in expansion of consciousness, whether natural or apply as it did before. "
drug induced. Any such sensations are immediately
repressed by the old for fear that senility will be the Session 652, Page 262 "The body itself can be
diagnosis. The experiences, however, affect the physically refreshed and rested in much less than
right hemisphere of the brain, and in such a way eight hours, and after five hours the muscles
that abilities are released in somewhat the same themselves yearn for activity.
manner as an adolescent s. The individual, when it
is time then, begins to see beyond temporal life, to Session 652, Page 263 "Those of you who cannot
open up dimensions of awareness that in your terms practically make any alterations in sleeping habits
he or she could not afford while involved in the can still obtain some benefits by changing your
intense physical focus of normal adult life. beliefs in the areas discussed, learning to recall your
dreams and resting briefly when you can, and
Session 650, Page 253 "The mind actually becomes immediately afterward recording those impressions
more itself, freer to use more of its abilities, allowed that you retain. You must give up any ideas that you
to stray from restricted areas, to assimilate, have as to the unsavory nature of unconscious
acknowledge and create. Precisely at this time activity. You must learn to believe in the goodness
however the individual is told to beware of any such of your being.
straying, and to consider that kind of behavior a
symptom of mental deterioration. Otherwise you will not explore these other states of
your own reality.
Session 651, Page 256 "In your society therefore
the black race has represented what you think of as Session 652, Page 266 "In certain terms hypnosis is
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